Turf Toe

What is it?

It is a Hyperextension and to some extent Valgus (overextending and pulling across your foot) of the first Toe joint resulting in damage to the capsular-ligament complex on the sole of your foot.

What does it feel like?

A Sharp pain and occasionally a residual dull pain afterwards, occurring mainly when extending the first toe. It can also be painful to touch, limit your movement, swelling, bruising, weakness and instability depending on the extent of the damage.

What Causes Turf Toe?

This is most common in sports that involve running, kicking and contact. The most common being football and rugby. It occurs when there is an excessive force pulling or pushing the big toe into over extension.

How is Turf Toe Diagnosed?

Your Physiotherapist can diagnose the pathology through a thorough verbal and physical assessment. They may also refer onwards for an X-Ray or Ultrasound for further assessment if they feel it is

How can Back in Action Physiotherapy help?

At Back in Action we will do a thorough assessment to help provide the correct diagnosis. We will also ensure we spend time to listen to how your symptoms are affecting your daily activities as well as your recreational and occupational activities. We will also help guide you to set goals and aims from the treatment sessions regularly reassessing these. We will provide a thorough treatment to ensure you get better, faster and return to your activities, sport and work.