What is Physio? And Why BIA?
What happens on the first assessment?
History of Injury
One of the most important things we do on your initial assessment session is make sure we have a thorough knowledge of your injury; how it happened, how it feels during various activities of daily living and whether you have had previous injuries which may have affected your current one. The better our understanding of all the components surrounding your injury, the faster we can get you better!
Biomechanical Assessment
At Back in Action Physiotherapy we believe that a full biomechanical assessment helps us to have a more holistic view of your injury. A biomechanical assessment involves a basic evaluation of feet, legs and body position in weight bearing and non-weight bearing positions.
Will the treatment hurt?
Sometimes manual therapy (massage and mobilisations of your joints) can be a little tender, but we do our best to listen to you and try to make these as pain-free as possible.
Advice and Education
During the session we will make sure that you fully understand what your injury is and what causes it. It is important to us that you feel you can leave the session with the knowledge of what is wrong, an approximate treatment time frame, and how we can work together to make you better.
Goal planning
We will talk to you about what your goals are in daily life and if you are a gym user or athlete (amateur or elite!). These goals may be as simple as being able to lift your arm to brush your hair or bending down to tie up your shoelace, or it might be that you aren’t able to do the swim leg of an ironman because of your shoulder.
What is ACC and how does it help cover costs?
ACC stands for Accident Compensation Corporation. ACC provides comprehensive, no fault personal injury cover to all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. ACC support you if you have an accidental injury by helping to cover costs and get you back to work and every-day life as soon as possible. At Back in Action we can put a claim directly through to ACC to help cover the costs of your treatment so you do not need to see the doctor first. If you are unsure whether or not you would be covered then just call or chat to us in the gym to find out.
What makes Back in Action different from other Physiotherapists?
Back in Action is a progressive company run by passionate physiotherapists. We allow sessions long enough to fully assess and treat (up to one hour) which is often double most companies. We believe in a holistic approach to your treatment – not just treating the site of pain but looking at your mind and body as a whole.
My injury doesn’t stop me training; it can’t be bad enough for Physiotherapy?
If you are reading this thinking the above, then please pick up the phone and book an appointment today! ANY injury that you have will affect how you train. This in turn causes further problems and injuries. For example, you may have a tweak in your left knee when you squat? This may cause you to subconsciously offload that leg and put more weight through your right leg. In time, your left buttock may begin to get weaker – allowing your hip to be vulnerable to injury. Often we see clients who come to us with one injury and on discussion we track back to a previous niggle. Come and get those niggles sorted and avoid more serious injuries! It may only take one session! Act now and you could train harder and more efficiently in 2015!